View Profile jamesbondman
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Chris Mullinax @jamesbondman

Age 35, Male

Great Artist

NC State University


Joined on 4/25/09

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Why the hate on Wolverine?

Posted by jamesbondman - May 1st, 2009

Well tonight I saw the opening day of Wolverine and I got one question, WHY SO MUCH FUCKING HATE?!
I mean, it has a great story and all the good stuff! Hugh Jackman was great, along with all the other actors! Why did the critics say it sucked ass?! The only problem I saw was that it seemed that Hugh had the spotlight the whole movie. Is that something to hate on? Come on! I mean you guys want the bad movie? well that was Ghosts of Girlfriends Past! McCarthy had was not funny at all! Jennifer Garner had no role whatsoever! Wolverine, Obsessed, and the Soloist were the only good movies I saw! So leave a comment and tell me if you hate Wolverine or not! Then I'll email it to FOX movies so they can say to the critics, "Suck It!" Oh, and if you haven't seen Wolverine, Obsessed, or Soloist, then get off your ass, buy a ticket and sit your ass down for at least two hours to see any of these great masterpieces! Go right now, tomorrow, or any day while there still out! Oh, and if your local theatre still has it, go see Gran Torino which has been in theaters since January!!!


I hope people are realizing that this movie will wreck Hugh Jackman's career. He's going to be branded as "Wolverine" for life. You do the same thing too often in hollywood, and you get stuck with it. For example:

Ben Stiller: Only plays an idiot
Sarah Chalke: Only plays a ditz
Jim Carrey: Only plays a... guy who seems like he's hopped up on caffeine. Just zany as fuck.

After this movie, I don't see Hugh Jackman's career moving anywhere for a while. Period

-Jackson Puppek

I guess your right, Hugh Jackman has been playing Logan/Wolverine for too long. Oh, and you forgot about Kristie Allen
Kristie Allen: Still annoying wether skinny or fat as shit!