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    Chris Mullinax @jamesbondman

    Age 35, Male

    Great Artist

    NC State University


    Joined on 4/25/09

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    jamesbondman's News

    Posted by jamesbondman - June 21st, 2009

    NInjas are cool, so are MONSTER TRUCKS!!!!
    G.I Joe is going to suck ass, just retards with guns shooting chicks and some bitchin' white ninja.

    I talk about Ninjas, Monster Trucks, and the new G.I Joe Movie!!!

    Posted by jamesbondman - June 20th, 2009

    Well this is short like the other post, so all I wanna know is all the horror movies coming out this summer. The only one I know is that stupid looking film called orphan, about a family who's mom just had a miscarriage, so they act like Brad Pitt and adopt a child by the name of Esther (who is from an asylum by the way, and they knew that!) and take her in. She starts killing people after she gets bullied in school which is totally retarded. She takes her parents to the asylum and kills them, that's not the end though! So any other good horror movies, put them in your comment.

    Posted by jamesbondman - June 18th, 2009

    hi everybody! (Simpsons)

    Posted by jamesbondman - June 12th, 2009

    I'm making random movie reviews from now on, so you'll now listen to me! ha

    So I'll be reviewing the remake of the smash movie hit, Pelham 123 starring Denzel Washington and John Travolta. The movie is about a hijack of a tram by the name of Pelham 123, and there is a social tram traffic control officer (Washington) who is speaking to the hijacker (Travolta.) The movie wasn't as good as the original, why? Well, in the last one, it focused on Story and Characters, this one mainly focuses on action and bloody scenes of a dude shot. True, Denzel and John share great friendship on set, the movie puts them as enemies and John is as annoying as he is. The movie is about 2 hours and 30 minutes long, and the director had nothing to do for the first hour, so he put the first freaking 40 minutes of John walking down the street and then pulling a gun out on a tram operator. Denzel is sitting there begging John to let everyone go, then he gets pissed and goes mad as hell for about another hour with a Colt up his ass then shoots Travolta, the fucking end.

    here's the review....

    2 stars out of 5

    Posted by jamesbondman - June 12th, 2009

    I'm done with my mad stories, until I get pissed again, I need to know what the fuck to do on Summer vacation! Should I just get up at 5 am to play G-Mod all day? Should I dress like a terrorist and bring my sniper to the hunter woods? Should I just freaking study for next year? Should I go out with my girlfriend and see a movie (bad), or get some lunch? Should I visit my family? I don't know

    Posted by jamesbondman - June 7th, 2009

    This wasn't last night or even last month! It was pretty much about 3 months ago when I went to the Grande movie theater to see that shopaholic movie with my girlfriend and ended up in a noisy, throwing popcorn and phones at us. There were like 50 teenage girls there texting, cursing, talking, and throwing shit at us. We were trying to see the movie except we got a 7 year old kid throwing his mom's crap at us and laughing at every moment in the movie to piss me off. That was it, but my lady told me to stay, the only other thing we had to watch was that ghost movie, the spirit, which we forgot why we bought that load of Frank Miller garbage! So these girls were texting and I said, "this is a movie, watch it!" they did it another 3 times until the movie ended! Then, watch pissed me off the most was that these girls had raised their phones up and at us texted and that blew me the fuck away! I yelled, "SHUT YOUR FUCKING PHONES OFF BITCHES!" they cried for about 2 minutes and I left only to see an angry fat bitch in front of me saying I stole from her. I said, "your son did that dumbass." She left and we left only to fall asleep watching Spirit, we had to watch something!

    Posted by jamesbondman - June 7th, 2009

    Well I decided that I shouldn't sit on my ass all night with nothing to eat except some Japanese food (old) and some cake, which was coconut, which I hated....
    I went down to my local pizza place named, Donatos, and decided to go inside.....
    For about 3 minutes, it was heaven, a clean score of 101.5, and hot waitresses and great food items.....
    When I was up, I asked for a small pizza with green peppers and red onions, that's when it was bad....
    The girl said, "sorry, we have no more red onions, only yellow." I got black olives instead but, "we only have green!"
    I got pissed off early and decided just to get a small pepperoni pizza and about an hour later of hearing retard 15 year olds in the kitchen holding a carrot up their head and calling it, "the brow"
    I was about to change my order to go until it finally came with a note that said, "hi, I'm Kayla" I lost it and stormed up to the front and said, "what the fuck kinda place is this, you got retards getting their hands all over the pizza, you're trying to hit on me, and the people behind me are pissed too, but too bad they're pussies!" They kicked me out and came back later to say sorry, until some gangster shit head comes out and says, "not allowed!" I'm like, "what the fuck?" so that's why there are better places than Donatos....

    Went to Donatos last night!

    Posted by jamesbondman - May 31st, 2009

    Well, it had to happen sooner or later, I have to tell you all my PS3 username.....
    K, so here it goes....
    But first, rules....
    1.No shit heads pissing the fuck out of me while I play some Battlefield BC, or Little Big Planet....
    2.If you add me as your friend, I barely come on PSN network, so no pissy hate messages!
    3.If I am on PSN, I can usually be found on Battlefield BC, sometimes Fracture or Warhawk....
    4. Don't send me chat invites, cause I have no headset.....

    K, my username is....
    Coasterer, there now go on your PS3 and look me up.....
    Oh and, read the rules again if you do add me.....

    Posted by jamesbondman - May 30th, 2009

    I soon sat down and started to think, then, I thought, was Valve lying about Portal 2? Then, is James Wan going to make something else than Saw, cause he's like 89 years old now....
    Then, I thought about my neighbor Lenny, what a freak.....
    Then, I looked on my desktop, and saw my username, JAMESBONDMAN!!!!
    Yes NG, I, would love to see another James Bond film with Daniel Craig in it!!!!
    I would love a new James Bond game!!!!!!
    I would hate if Sean Connery came back for another James Bond film, yuck!!!!!!
    It would be AWESOME! if Egoraptor made a parody on Quantum of Solace and make fun of all the ghetto freaks who play that game!!!!!
    I would love to see Tom Fulp do an animation on Daniel Craig and Quantum of Solace or Casino Royale!!!!!

    Posted by jamesbondman - May 30th, 2009

    This phone rocks hard!!! Took a few pics of my lady, and a few of the college, but found out that this phone can't connect to internet!!!! Piece of shit.......
    Well my lady can wait for her piece of fame on NG, right?
    Well enjoy this picture of my neighbor, LENNY!!!!

    Got a new phone!!!!!